The world is in a situation where actions are needed to limit the emission of greenhouse gases (especially Carbon-dioxide), to guarantee the survival of the future generation.
The best and most effective way to save the future generation is through a vigorous climate change education. As we all know, learning from experience is learning too late. We need to incorporate climate change education in all sectors of life, as is the case with sustainable development goals.
Humanity has three options to choose from:
1. To apply no significant policy changes, “business-as-usual” or BAU (IPCC, 2014d), with an expected increase of ~4.5˚C by 2100
2. We focus on the expected outcome of nations’ pledges, or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, 2015) with an expected increase of ~3.5 ˚C by 2100 (Kintisch, 2015);
3. An example of a trajectory expected to limit warming to ~1.5 ˚C.
Both the BAU and NDC (1 and 2) scenarios are expected to yield harmful consequences for human health, security, agricultural production, infrastructure, and biodiversity loss.
Climate change can be addressed in all directions, especially through education. Education is the most powerful weapon that can bring change to a society
Empowering women to handle climate change is like empowering the world since statistics show that women make up more than half of the earth’s population.
As of last statistics, the youth of age group 10-24 make up 10.8 billion of earth’s population, which are the largest generation of people in history. This shows that empowering this youth to protect the earth is like securing the availability of resources for the future generation.
Youths, let’s forget the notion of depending on our leaders to protect our home for us and take action. We are the ones to lead tomorrow. If we do not secure it today, we will be the ones to suffer the consequences in the future.
As youths, all we want is a secured future where we will be able to sustain ourselves and our children. Let’s act now and save our future.
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Stéphane TAMO
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Yes , Education is the only way to take if we want to save our world, if we manage to make every human being be conscious of human responsabilités in almost all the disaster occuring, a great qualitative change is going to happen.