Classification of Climate Risks and Adaptation

At times, we need to know what happened in the past, what is currently happening, and what will happen in the future to take action and adjust our way of life. Understanding the above will prepare us to develop and implement adaptation mechanisms.
Climate Risks and adaptation can be classified into three categories:
  • Current Climate risk: Existing variability and extremes, existing adaptation deficit.
  • Climate risk shortly (the 2020s): Early trends, exacerbation of existing risks, new risks emerge.
  • Climate risks in the longer-term(the 2050s): Future major change, new risks, but high uncertainty.
The above classification shows that more than 50% of the world’s population are exposed to extreme climate risk in their entire lifespan since this percentage of the population living on earth today are youth.
Adaptation phases/mechanisms have been developed to overcome climate risks. Below are some of them with their associated climate risks:
  • Adaptation phase for current risk: 1 Address the adaptation deficit, low-regret, capacity. 2 Mainstreaming resilience, risks screening. 3 Early action for long-term change, monitoring.
  • Adaptation phase for the Near future climate: Enhance flexibility and robustness, with future in mind. 2 Learning, review update, action.
  • Adaptation phase for Long-term climate risk: New responses, transformation. (Source VfM Adaptation. 2019)
Proper follow-up of the above adaptation will reduce the impacts of climate change on the economy and society as a whole. This is an opportunity for the youths to showcase their desire for a better earth. Protect today to avoid replacement options tomorrow because we have only one home! EARTH.
Climate change education is imminent. We are committed to delivering it in schools as a nonprofit, irrespective of the lack of finance to do so. Climate change education and sustainability are the keys to a better world.

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